2024 - 2025 Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Grant Award
Opens Jan 16 2024 05:00 AM (CST)
Deadline May 14 2024 11:59 PM (CDT)

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on May 14, 2024.

The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) is the certifying Board for the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry. 

The Jeffrey A Dean/ ABPD Research Grant Award is a one-year, part-time opportunity for early career health care practitioners and junior faculty, fellows, residents, and individuals holding Master’s or early career Doctorate degrees in, for example, public health, health services research, and public health policy and administration. 


Working with a mentor of their choosing at their home institution, Grantees will develop and conduct a research project relevant to healthcare practitioner assessment, certification, lifelong learning and continuing professional development, improvement in practice and performance, or healthcare policy. Grantees will disseminate their work, at either national conferences or meetings, or by submission to a peer-reviewed journal. 


Grantees receive an award of $15,000 that will be held by their institutions on their behalf. Funds are to be used by the Grantee to offset direct costs of research, professional development expenses, and ABPD-related travel. 


For additional information, please go to www.abpd.org or contact amallett@parthenonmgmt.com

2024 - 2025 Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Grant Award

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on May 14, 2024.

The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) is the certifying Board for the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry. 

The Jeffrey A Dean/ ABPD Research Grant Award is a one-year, part-time opportunity for early career health care practitioners and junior faculty, fellows, residents, and individuals holding Master’s or early career Doctorate degrees in, for example, public health, health services research, and public health policy and administration. 


Working with a mentor of their choosing at their home institution, Grantees will develop and conduct a research project relevant to healthcare practitioner assessment, certification, lifelong learning and continuing professional development, improvement in practice and performance, or healthcare policy. Grantees will disseminate their work, at either national conferences or meetings, or by submission to a peer-reviewed journal. 


Grantees receive an award of $15,000 that will be held by their institutions on their behalf. Funds are to be used by the Grantee to offset direct costs of research, professional development expenses, and ABPD-related travel. 


For additional information, please go to www.abpd.org or contact amallett@parthenonmgmt.com

Jan 16 2024 05:00 AM (CST)
May 14 2024 11:59 PM (CDT)